Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time To Reflect...

I was chatting on the phone with my cutest sis and she shared a blog with me I think is worth sharing with all of you. Sometimes we forget what we are here in this life to do. Right now my duty in life is to be a mommy and wife. I will shamefully admit that I get so caught up in trying to have a clean house, ironed clothes, dishes done, make-up on and hair done everyday. I sometimes forget to put the laundry down, leave the dishes and forget the make-up. As I sat on the couch after tucking my sweet kids into bed and relished in the quiet moment, I started to read this blog of this mom that is sleeping in a bed at Primary Childrens Hospital just down the hallway from her sweet baby that is fighting for his life because he drowned in the bathtub. I sobbed as I read the whole story and about how precious life can be. I find myself not always willing to take the time I should to spend it with my sweet munchkins. Soon they will not be here to make noise and mess up the house and I will wished I had taken the time to be with them and create the memories that will go with all of us forever.
This story was truly a wake-up call, that the dishes and laundry will wait and that the time spent with my kids will not. I am so blessed to have them and know how special each one of them are. I only hope that I can live up to my Heavenly Father's expectations when taking care of His children. They are such a beloved blessing in our home. Brian and I can not count the ways that our lives would feel empty if we did not have one of them in our family. I will now promise that the dishes will wait and laundry will pile up(it already does) so that I can focus on the more important task in front of me everyday.

I love you MaKenna, Hunter and Brianna. You are mommy and daddy's little rays of sunshine. You are all very special and unique. Our family would not be the same if you were missing.


Summer said...

Thanks for this great post Kell...this is something that we all need to be reminded of!

Hopie said...

I have been meaning to post this on my blog, I must do it right now!!!!