Monday, December 21, 2009
A Piece of Humble Pie
Wow, I was just called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Primary Presidency. I am truly humbled. I did not expect this for a million years. There are so many great women in our ward that I just figured they had it taken care of. I was very shocked when the Bishop asked me and I did not know what to say...I asked him if he was sure and he said it wasn't him who called me it was the Lord. That made me feel even more overwhelmed. I think I walked around the house for the next couple of hours just stunned. I do know that this is where I am supposed to be and have felt that confirmation even with the overwhelming thoughts of what my calling entails but I know that the Lord sees the bigger picture and if I follow his will, I will be blessed. I will have lots of learning to do but I know that with the Lord and my testimony in the Gospel I will make progress and become a better woman. The women that I am serving with are truly AMAZING women and I know that I will constantly be learning from them and their great examples. They are women who walk in Christ light and I know that I am blessed to serve with them. The children in our ward are so special too I know that these precious, pure and treasured spirits are going to bless my life in ways I never imagined and I just feel honored that the Lord trust me enough to play such a big part in their lives.
Christmas Party

We have a Christmas Party every year with all of our great friends. I love to cook and so this a great way to cook for all of them. This year we did things a little different, instead of the ham and trukey dinner. Brian and I had taken a Thai Food cooking class and so we wanted to share what we had learned with all our friends. So we made Thai Food instead and I think everyone liked it, well at least they were nice and told me they did. ha ha ha. The white elephant exchange was a bowl full of laughter and so much fun. I am glad all of you made it and those who didn't, maybe next year. :)
Hunter's Christmas Program

Hunter had a Christmas Program at Pre-school and it was so cute. He had to sit by Noah and Jaxson. I think that they are three peas in a pod. It is a good thing that Ms. Toni knows what to do with all these 4 years olds.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
We had a great Thanksgiving weekend with the Clark Clan. Brian's parents and brothers came. It was so great to spend time together and just enjoy one another. The kids love their uncles and can't get enough while they are here. We enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving day. Then on Friday we all went shooting. It was so much fun, even the kids liked it. I know that we all made memories that will last forever. Having family is truly a blessing that we all take for granted and I am grateful for our trials because I know that is what brings us closer together.
The girls just relaxing watching a movie with Grandma in bed.
And yes I hit the target the FIRST time. Despite Brian's reaction that I might miss. I think it turned him on that I know how to shoot a gun. He owes that thanks to my Grandpa. ha ha ha

Brianna and Grandpa watching on the sidelines.
Then Grandpa took his turn and he had quite a shot. I dare say that he enjoyed it too. Go Dad!
Rob and Brianna watching the Price is Right....who has time for that anymore. It was great to lounge around.
I am so blessed. There are sooo many things to be thankful for. I am truly a blessed woman. I know that the grand life I live is all owed to my Heavenly Father but that I couldn't do it alone here on earth and that is why He gave me Brian. I know that through thick and thin we can get through it all together. Happy Thanksgiving!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Brianna
Brianna turned two this last week. Wow has two years really gone by. She is such a joy in our home and life would just not be the same without her. She truly keeps us on our toes and never stops. She is as curious as ever and willing to do whatever it takes to figure out that curiosity inside. She is into everything and loves to be the center of attention. She is even been potty training herself and tells me on a regular basis that she has to go potty and she does. What a bright little cookie. And such a great future ahead. She has so much inner beauty that keeps coming out the more her communication expands. Brianna, we love you and can't wait to see what your future beholds. Happy Birthday!
Elmo has seemed to catch Brianna's eye. She loves him and can always find him in stores and books. However she will not watch him. So an Elmo cake it had to be. Thirty-seven cupcakes in all. What a cake for a two year old, huh.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Let it Wave!

I am so proud of our country and all that we have because of our freedom. I have tried really hard to instill that same pride in my children and today was a great reward. Hunter saw the flag flying and said "Mom, there is the Am-miracle Flag." After he said that he repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to which I credit his great teachers at pre-school for teaching him. His statement really made me think and it truly is a miracle flag and all that it stands for. We are so lucky and so blessed to have such liberty. I am truly grateful to all the men and women who go through so much to give me all my freedom and liberty. They too truly are miracle souls who fight in my behalf and to that I am forever indebted.
President Woodrow Wilson, 1917
This flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours. It floats in majestic silence above the hosts that execute those choices, whether in peace or in war. And yet, though silent, it speaks to us — speaks to us of the past, or the men and women who went before us, and of the records they wrote upon it.
This flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours. It floats in majestic silence above the hosts that execute those choices, whether in peace or in war. And yet, though silent, it speaks to us — speaks to us of the past, or the men and women who went before us, and of the records they wrote upon it.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I am so grateful for my love for my children because if I did not love them as much as I do there are days I might strangle one of them...ok not really. And today I went from one diaster to another. I could not turn my head for one second as long as I wanted things to stay in place. Sometimes I wish that I worked instead of cleaning up kid messes all day long. Mostly from my beautiful terrorist 2 year old. I love you Brianna but you sure know how to make mommy mad. 

This was when she got into my lipstick before naptime and smeared it all over the counter and every piece of make-up I had in my make-up bag. Remind yourself that lipstick has a grease base and is not easy to clean-up and she went through 3 lipsticks...AAAAAHHHH!!!

Then after her nap she chose to use her body as a canvas and she used my sliding window in my bedroom as one too.
Oh she keeps me on my toes. I love her and don't plan to have anymore kids until she is 10.
Monday, September 28, 2009
HaPpY BirThDaY BRiAn

This weekend was Brian's B-day. We spent it up North with family and friends. Brian did a lot of golfing and then we had a great party with everyone. Thanks everybody for coming and helping us make Birthday memories that last forever.

This is the most perfect man for me. I could not be more grateful for a more understanding, patient and loving husband. He is perfect for me in every way and there is no other that could ever take that place. He is so intuitive to my needs and never fails to meet them. I am so blessed to have spent 9 blissful birthdays with you honey and I hope that there are many more to come. HApPy BiRThDaY!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Late Nights at the Temple

I feel so blessed to have this amazing opportunity. I have had my application in for over a year now and the Church has been on a hiring freeze due to the economy. They needed to hire an on-call person and my application was the lucky one selected. I work from 10pm-2am. I get to help with the cleaning. It is really different to go to the Temple as everyone is leaving and not wear a dress too. I wear white scrubs and white tennis shoes. Everyone I work with is amazing and so nice. It can be a little weird and scary to be in the temple all alone. There are only 10 of us and we are spread out on different routes. They asked me if it was scary for me my first night. I told them no but that I was more scared I would get lost with all the different places you go that you never see unless you work there. They told me that if I get lost to just yell and someone will find me. ha ha ha I feel like I am getting a little better at my bearings but it will take time to learn all that there is to know. There are very specific ways to do things, even vacuum and leave NO lines so you have to go from right to left and leave no footprints either and work your way out of each room to do such. It is a great place to be. There are going to be adjustments, like nap time is IMPERITIVE for me now!! And it will just take time for my body to get used to this but it will just require patience on my part. I could not feel more blessed to be able to help out iwth our financial situation a little and not sacrifice my time with my kids. I have never wanted to work out of the home since I have had kids but this allows us to have the best of both worlds. I couldn't be more grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me this great opportunity.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Finally....time away!

Brian and I finally got a weekend away together....with NO kids. Don't get me wrong I love my kids but it is so refreshing to just focus on your spouse with no interuptions. The dinner conversations are quiet and enjoyable, sitting by the pool without making sure someone is not drwoning, and the naps can be endless. We had a couple free nights in Vegas and since it is Brian's b-day this week his parents offered to watch the kids while we took off. We went Friday, Saturday and came home Sunday. It was great and so relaxing. Just what we needed. I love time with my hubby ALONE. It allows me to absorb myself in his needs and what we lack with each other when we are focussed on the kids. I love him so much and sometimes get wrapped up in all the things we are involved in with the kids and don't have much time to just sit and talk. When we have the time to sit and talk we are so tired that we can't stay awake to finish the conversation. It was a wonderful weekend to spend time with one another and just relax for the first time in 3 years, we were way overdue for a weekend alone. Thanks honey for a great weekend. I loved every minute with just YOU!!! I was reminded how much I appreciate all you do to make me happy. You are the ONLY one for me!!
This is a picture of JoJo who impersonates Elvis in a Magic show. Yes he is real!! He was so fun to watch in the show!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
While the Bro is Gone the Sis will Play...
MaKenna has had a week without her brother. This has never happened and she is missing him greatly but the space helps them appreciate each other too. Because Hunter got to stay with his cousin Joshua we had promised Kenna certain things this week while he was gone. One of those promises was a Tea Party with her friends. They came home from school and had Tea(chocolate milk) with cream(milk) and sugar(choc quick) Along with their tea they had Heart shaped sandwiches, cheeto balls, go-gurts, and freshly made chocolate chip cookies. YUM!! They loved that they could pour their own "tea" and cream and add their own sugar too.

Then we painted all their fingernails to pretty them up

Then we painted all their fingernails to pretty them up

Then as their nails dried they watched the new Barbie Movie. They all had their own little bags of popcorn and a drink too.
MaKenna told me that this was the best Tea Party ever. I know they had fun and I am sure this will be a frequent request now too.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Perfectly Peachy Almond Bars

For those of you who are natives to Hurricane know that the biggest weekend of all is Peach Days. And for those of you who know me know that I love to cook. Well let me explain how the two make a story. For years my hubby has told me that we need to enter the cook-off contest. I have gracefully declined from his suggestions each year. But this year I had an idea and I was going to carry through with it. I may not win but success of a great recipe that I could call my own was my drive and motivation. I fiddled in the kitchen for weeks and finally had perfected this recipe. I came up with a basic batter recipe and then added the magic ingredient...PEACHES. It was amazing and even more than that it tasted amazing. Well I thought I had a chance. I prepared my dish for the contest and they tasted the best yet. It was so exciting. I turned in my dessert and awaited the judges results. Well to spare you all the details I got denied a place in the winners circle. Yes it was extremely disappointing but I have decided that had the judges known the depth of my recipe compared to the Philsbury or crushed cookie crust recipes (not to knock what the others prepared) that won my recipe would not have recipe was from scratch not just scratch a box open. Well I guess you could say that I am a little bitter about the whole thing and just wish that I had really thought out the rules or lack there of in the contest. I might have just kept the recipe to myself and spared myself the loss. I guess that I take my cooking really seriously and so when you lose to a Philsbury recipe it is a GREAT disappointment. At least I have the pride of knowing that every part of my entry was MINE!!! And I own a great recipe too.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Pretty 'n Pedicures

MaKenna went with me to get a pedicure a couple of nights ago. We walked into the salon and she asked what we were doing. I explained to her that we were going to get our toenails painted and she smiled. They started the water and filled it with bubbles and she looked at me a little unsure but after reassuring her that this would be awesome she stuck here feet in. She sat sooo still as they rubbed, clipped and painted her toes. I think that her grin was from ear to ear. The next couple of days she walked so carefully and wanted everyone to see the beautiful toes she had. I love having a girl to do things with and I am so grateful that girl is MaKenna. I can not thank my Heavenly Father enough for sending me such a sweet girl. MaKenna I look forward to all the girlie times we will spend together.
It's Always Fun When Grandpa Comes...Hooray!

This seems to be Brianna's favorite spot when Grandpa comes. As soon as he sits down she runs up to him with her "wooby" in hand and says Pa Pa. She then resumes her snuggled position and watches the tube with him unitl bed time. She loves Grandpa and if there is ever a choice between Grandpa and someone else the choice is never someone else. I am so grateful for a dad who spends time with my children and more than that...loves them unconditionally. Grandpa you are the BEST!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yellowstone & 30LHY
We went to Salt Lake a week ago to start a week long vacation in Yellowstone with my family. We started the weekend off by attending the open house of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Wow, words can not describe the feeling that resides in that Celestial room and I have yet to see such an amazingly GORGEOUS room such as that one. Everything from the star Chandelier to the floor was just breath-taking. Then we played on the slip and slide, had pizza and made our own tie-dye shirts. Family pictures were next...that is always fun, especially with 17 people. We then packed our bags and cars and headed off to Yellowstone. We all drove there in our own vehicles but once we got there we all piled in a 16 passenger van. We'll leave that one up to your imagination. i know you all have family and can only imagine being in the same vehicle for 5 days as you travel the Park. I do have to admit there was only contention on on afternoon and the rest of the time was really peachy!! We had a blast, I don't think that a family vacation of this size could have gone any better. We saw lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Well not really but we did see bears and buffalo and coyotes too. Lots of other animals and great smelling hot pots and awesome scenery. We swam in a river that is joined by the hotpots and so it is a hot spring. It was a cold day so the water was warmer than the air so the kids did not enjoy it as much but the big boys did. We went to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and many other sites. I think the memories of this trip will last at least another 30 LHY(long hard years). That is my dad's favorite saying when he refers to his marriage and since we were on this trip to celebrate their 30th anniversary, Thanks Mom and Dad for the memories that will last our family 30 LHY. We love you both and wish you many more years of happiness and joy!

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Swimming in the Hotsprings

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Swimming in the Hotsprings
Kindergarten here we come...

MaKenna started Kindergarten last Thursday. It was really exciting to take this next step and she could hardly wait to go. She insisted on certain poses for the pictures and it seemed like she was the photographer telling me what poses to take shots of. Sometimes it is hard to believe that 5 years ago, Kindergarten seemed so far away with a little tiny infant in my arms. Now it seems like one adventure after another. She is getting smarter and more bossy everyday. We love her so much and our family would not be the same without her. Kenna we hope and pray that your desire for learning continues on that upward climb always.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Got Milk???

This is what happens when I leave any given item out on the counter for even seconds. Today it was the milk jug. I guess she was thirsty. She is faster than a blink of an eye. I just can't seem to keep up with her.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Are you kidding...113 degrees??
We went to Quail Lake to have a little hotdog BBQ and use the jet-skiis. It was really nice to be near the water after our great heat wave of 113 degree weather. Can you believe it? Well it was a little overcast for us so it was really enjoyable. It is nice to only live 10 minutes from 2 lakes. Yep we have the heat but there are 9 months that are really awesome weather and when it is that hot you just make it a habit to be near the water at some point during the day.:)

Brianna and Grant stopping for a water break

McKay and Hunter building sand castles

Brianna and Grant stopping for a water break

McKay and Hunter building sand castles
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